Cheers Greeting Card

$ 4.25
Cheers Greeting Card

This Cheers Greeting Card is perfect for celebrating the occasion.

A2 note card with kraft A2 envelope. 

The inside of the card is blank for your personal message.

 Available as individual cards, or as a set of 3 containing 3 of the same design, or a boxed set of 4.

  • A2 card measures 4-1/4" x 5-1/2" (folded).
  • Printed on premium heavyweight bright white cardstock paper. 
  • Accompanied by a Kraft A2 envelope 4-3/8" x 5-3/4"
  • The back of the card features our logo. 

The card is packaged in a protective crystal clear cello sleeve and mailed to you in a thick, rigid envelope.