
Grab your Top Hat, It's Groundhog Day

Dawn Feldman

Boomer the Hedgehog puts on his Top Hat to Celebrate Groundhog Day at BubbleGumDish

Boomer the Hedgehog put on his top hat and kept a watchful eye on the winter storm that raged outside the studio today. He let out a tiny little huff of approval, as he heard this morning's news report that groundhog Punxsutawney Phil did not see his shadow. Did you know that in Germany, Hedgehogs were originally tasked with predicting the weather, not Groundhogs? Early settlers in Pennsylvania carried on the ancient Christian tradition of Candlemas Day with groundhogs which were plentiful in the area, hence our annual celebration of Groundhog Day. You can read more here about the First Groundhog Day. Boomer isn't a fan of cold weather, so he's glad that the groundhogs are keeping up traditions.

It's been a long wait for a snowday, so we are enjoying getting to stay home and watch the snow create a winter wonderland outside. Boomer is snuggled back in his bed for another nap. Click here to see new Hedgehog shirts featuring our adorable Hedgehog that have been listed in the shop today.

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